
What are three things you know 100% to be true?

I thought about this topic for a long time before I decided what to write. I wasn’t sure what direction I wanted to take with this post. I could take the easy way out, listing obvious things that I know to be 100% true, such as the sun is hot or the grass is green. Or, I could be personal, listing things like I know  100% that I love my family.

After much thought, here is my list of three things I know 100% to be true:

  1. I am blessed. I’m married to my best friend. I have wonderful step-sons, grandchildren and fur kids. I have a great, albeit frustrating at times, job. I have awesome friends. I love where I live. I love life.
  2. When one door closes, another one opens. This may be cliche, but it is true. It’s happened to me many times, primarily in jobs and relationships.
  3. I’m not perfect. Shocking, I know, but true. There is always room for improvement.

What are three things you know to be true?

Beth VanHoose


About Beth

I'm a part-time freelance writer, full-time high school CTE administrative assistant, mother, wife and dreamer. In my free time I enjoy thrifting, reading, crafts, watching movies and spending time with my best friend and love of my life.
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